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Shadow Work





Working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress, hide and dislike.

Everyone have a shadow and in that shadow there

isn´t just "negative character traits but also beneficial ones.

All parts of yourself want to be heard, have space to exist and no matter how hard we try to ignore them, they will always be here.

All parts have their purposes and strengths,they only start to create chaos when they are being tucked away.

How would it feels to be in a prison?

Well this is exactly what we inflict to them.


The integration of your shadows, is the unification of all your being to create an harmonious relationship with your entire self.






  • Resolves inner conflicts

  • Reduces negative patterns and triggers

  • Enhances personal growth and authenticity

  • Cultivates self-acceptance and compassion

  • Strengthens relationships through better understanding of self and others

  • Boosts mental clarity and decision-making

  • Promotes emotional balance and resilience

  • Encourages a sense of purpose and direction






I provide a trauma-informed supportive guidance, in a non-judgmental space for personal exploration.


This is not psychotherapy or psychoanalysis, and it is recommended to seek support from a psychologist and/or doctor in parallel.​




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